Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Options in trading games at gamestop

To redeem Trade Credit value on GameStop. You can check the value stored on your Trade Credit card by entering the account number and PIN on the balance inquiry page. If you traded used games at a GameStop store, your remaining balance may have been stored on Trade Credit. PIN on payment page during the checkout process. PIN are printed directly on the Trade Credit card. Rated game, bring a parental unit! How do I know when my item is available? What do I bring with me to the store? To cancel an order placed for pick up, contact the store that is holding the item. We will hold your requested item until the end of the current business day, depending if your order was placed during store hours.

Will I pay the online price or the store price? How do I cancel or return my purchase? Most of the time our online prices and store prices are similar. Bring enough money to pay for your cool game. Rather than pass over these opportunities, we choose to allow our customers to take advantage of them. Gamers can always use sites like GameTZ or Cheapassgamer.

Lounge has a few suggestions money conscious gamers should investigate. Other gamers buy them for set amount of coins, the seller pays for the shipping and once the game comes they get the coins to spend on other games. Its exploded with mentions on other sites such as CAG, Youtube, and other sites. Soon it looks like there might be accessory and console trading as well. The site keeps growing and offering great promotions and giveaways. This could involve multiple games, no queues, and one shipping package with your friends on the site. Lounge seal of approval. So far its looking as a great way to trade games and it sounds like they will be adding more systems soon such as PS1, Saturn, DS, and others. The recent demise of Goozex and VGFive has left some gamers looking for new places to trade games.

Think of it as a place to get value out of your old games and get some new ones in the process. Gamers list their games based on condition and how much they want to see them for. Gamers can always turn to Craigslist and Facebook Groups as well but that can always be an interesting experience. It too is a game trading site. The site backs every trade that is members do. Knack, instant trade no credits used. Glyde also lets people buy and sell phones and tablets. The do have a trade guarantee in place to make sure gamers More information can be found on the site. The third way of trading is friend to friend trading. There are other options.

AAA titles and several rare games for next to nothing on this site. There is a great community on the site which makes it not difficult for new traders to get started. There is nothing wrong with Best Buy or Gamestop. There are other options as well. They have a lot of systems listed everything from the Sega Master system to the PS4. Leaptrade is another site that deserves a mention.

Gamers list their titles and other members of the site buys the games. It offers a queue based system for trading that means gamers would use their credit to trade for other games, they offer instant trade which is an instant trade between two parties. Glyde is another great place to buy and sell games. So just that one used transaction allows them to do over 50 of the Madden 09 transactions and STILL make money. Their policies are nothing like a pawn shop. Gamestop changes their prices based on availability of a game. Their goal is similar to that of a pawn shop, where they buy used things and try to make a profit off of it, but the main difference is, pawn shops can turn your items down.

They also let you trade in systems, ipods, ipads, and mobile phones. Just use online sites to keep more of your money. Their back stock of games is tremendous. And they sell a lot of used games. Homefront yesterday, and I listed it on Gamestaq. Gamestop is a multibillion dollar a year retailer, and half of their PROFITS come from used games. Gamestop but when I see developers whining about used game sales it makes me laugh because Gamestop is making tons and tons of money off of their hard work and the only thing they wanna do about it is give Gamestop exclusive preorder content so even MORE people go and trade games in there. Amazon truly is great.

Not to mention, they have 2 million copies of Madden 09 to get rid of before they even sell yours. Amazon is the truth. But the way I looked at it was that I was never going to touch those games again so thats why I did it. Craigslist and no one would buy it. Now take that into consideration, and think about the back stock they have of games. There are options out there to offload your old games for more money, but GS is convenient. When I worked there like 6 years ago, we were only allowed to turn down trade ins if it was obvious that they were stolen, like 10 games brand new that were still in the plastic shrink wrap. What are they going to do with your copy of Wii Sports when they need to sell 20 million copies before yours? GS when I was growing up as a kid.

So, Gamestop, by company policy, cannot turn down trade ins. What is the point of buying it used if the price is not even low enough to consider it a money saving deal. Craigslist or ebay might net you more money. Say you trade in Madden 09. This is why they offer so little on their trade ins. If they give you 50 cents for Madden 09, that is nothing to them. They are making a KILLING off of YOU. It is very not difficult to use. You guys wanna ripoff my kid? Am I the only one that uses Glyde?

The best thing about it is that they have a site where you can actually figure out exactly how much you will get for a game. Have you guys ever seen a kid walk into a Gamestop with his mom or dad and a handful of games? Gamestop is really at a disadvantage because of the fact that they are forced to accept all trade ins. Think about their policies. All hating aside I useto use Gamestop to trade in games before I heard of selling things online or on craigslist. If there are no other games I feel like playing, I will also use Craigslist.

He turned the phone on but only to see if it turned on. Basically, if GS turns around and sells your used game for 50 bucks, you could have sold it yourself for that amount. Glyde for about 9 months now, and it has been fantastic. Sold KZ3 on it just this week. But now I regret trading in all the games I ridded of because I would have been WAAAAAAYYYY better off selling them online or on craigslist. SO you little kids out there dont go trading in that new game mommy bought you for beans when there are other and better options of getting rid of it. Gamestop used to be fine but past 6 mouths they are terrable on trades. If they do then they make a lot more money. And to whoever said you had to go to a UPS store, its no different than driving to your local Gamestop. Rock Band today at Best Buy.

North Texas called Entertainmart that gives ridiculous amounts of cash for games. Even if they are defective, we could still accept them and add a refurbish fee. The same games I have made 40 bucks on, Gamestop offered me 3 dollars for. First of all, who is going to buy Madden 09? Kind of like trading in a car. Have you had any issues? Gamestop offered 50 cents and sells it for 3 bucks.

The credit they offer the kid is so low that its almost disrespectful to even offer that to the kid especially in front of their parents who worked hard for those games. The have stock photos of most games, dvds, etc and you can always look and see what other similar games are selling for and price yours accordingly. BEST BUY took it from me for 5 bucks, hahaha! Sometimes I even laugh because the employees feel ashamed to have to offer those low trade in offers. Second, Gamestop makes HALF of ALL of its PROFITS from used games. They have to price a game below the new price so, obviously, you are going to get far less than that. You click a few buttons on the cpu, you print out the label, and you drive it to the UpS store, and next thing you know, you have Amazon credit. This is why they only give you 50 cents, which in my honest opinion, is 50 cents too much from a business perspective.

The amount of credit you get is not much higher, but the amount you have to spend to get newer used games is ridiculously less. Most of us realize that trading in used games normally means you are going to get less money in return. Buying games online over here is also probably not that great, you would have to look around more and you might not save that much in the end. As an individual, it is your responsibility to make the decision that best suits your lifestyle and needs. GS anymore, I probably will still buy from the gamestores here anyways. The people who purchased the games online received a much better deal. Selling used games may net you more money, but is it worth the added work you have to put in to list, package, and ship your items? But there are a number of different companies and websites that you can go through when offloading games.

Below are the results. So then the question is: What should I do with my old games? But the added benefit of trading is the convenience a customer has by simply walking into the store with games, and walking out of the stores with cash. What is your favorite way of getting rid of old games? Keep in mind that this is only one experiment, and you have many options when it comes to trading or selling games. The amount saved would not have even covered the cost of the card. Craigslist and would have skipped shipping costs. This experiment simply provides a real look at the raw numbers between the choices.

Love the article though, it at least makes me go look around for sites that Io can actually use over here, maybe get a few of those games that are still a bit pricy. But how much are you paying or willing to pay for that added convenience? Xbox One or PS4. Like many gamers, I am going to have to figure out some extra ways to save money in order to be sure I can buy the games I want at launch. If you were selling games that were already opened, do you think people were willing to pay significantly less? Paypal after what happened to a few people I know. Selling to friend or trading a game is still the best option if avalible. Depends, lets rank the 3 big options for used games on two scales, ease and profit. Paypal which can then be used to buy games at a great price on there.

Gamestop is awful if you want something for the games you sell. Otherwise, eBay is the better bet for more money. They just like the convenience of trading them in at Gamestop, even though they get ripped off most of the time. Gamestop: In, and out sell. Yeah, even with the fees and shipping, you still get a decent amount. Gamestop is only worth it if there is a deal going on, for extra percentage towards a new game or something like that. Gamestop should be a last resort. Anyone else take it my way?

Gamestop for the games I put up, rather than at Gamestop where I would get a pathetic percentage of what they list them for over there. After all, given the magnitude of the move expected, it seems a bit unlikely to him that the options buyers will be rewarded for the price they are paying. Well on Wednesday, as GameStop options traded twice their daily volume, the most popular bet seemed to be that the stock was set to drop. So which way will the shares go? Based on options prices, traders are expecting GameStop shares to move about 11 percent on Friday alone, according to CNBC contributor Mike Khouw. Traders, grab a controller. What they take: Games, computers, smartphones and assorted electronics. The site covers shipping and pays out in Amazon gift card codes you can apply to your account. Trading with them is like: Having to drive across town to make an appointment with the school bully to steal your milk money. Lets get some money for these games!

Games, BluRays, Tech, etc. What they take: Games and iStuff. Bonavendi because its not difficult, but there are other good ones out there too. Walmart and Best Buy. Anyway thanks for the article Phil, it wasnt too long which was nice because i actually read the whole thing which is rare for me haha. Trading with them is like: Thumb wrestling a mouse trap.

What they take: Games, electronics and tablets. And hang on to that Batman flick, if only to use it as a coaster to protect your coffee table. Amazon always seems to be a go to also, but you dont always get the best price espicially when you see them selling your games for 3 times what they paid for. What they take: Games, tablets, smartphones and computers. Trading with them is like: Picking Door No. DVDs and video games, still left with around 70. Trading with them is like: Cashing a meager Walmart paycheck. You search for your stuff online to get an estimate, then need to haul it all in to a participating store to get a store gift card. Bear in mind that prices fluctuate and can be different for you. Ive been selling my games that way lately because basically it allows you get the best offer from a bunch of different vendors including the big ones like ebay and amazon. What a waste of money!

Audible audio books or Prime membership fees. Why bother selling games when it costs less to keep ownership of them? Even the years that. Its criminal what they give you for games. Are Gamers Sick Of The Call Of Duty Series? Worse, as mentioned, some indie stores have atrocious store policies concerning cash value trades or trading for new games. Every November for the last 5 years, a new Call of Duty has hit store shelves, and every year it sells better than the year before. Read More, for example, gamers were so opposed that the company had no choice but to back down. As you can see, the value of some games is laughably low.

But does trading in a game really make sense for you and your wallet? ANYTHING you get back is better than zero. Xbox 360 version of each game for this comparison. Here are the values currently listed for each game. PS3 games of 2013. It is available in iPhone and Android. There is special app called PONTEFY built for trading games, books or anything.

Nintendo and PC is really the perfect gaming format. Other than that I rather sell my games myself. Here is the link. Amazon takes a cut, and so will other online stores like Ebay. Steam sales and thought I was getting a deal. All quotes are valid towards store credit. What About Independent Stores?

Call of Duty is huge. That may not sound great, but what happens if you sell the games yourself? That begs the question: how does the Xbox One compare? Amazon from selling games frequently. Finally, these bonuses stack. Each new generation, I make profit on eBay. Or are you leaving money on the table by handing your used games over to a retailer? Game stop is not worth trading games at they are just great place to shop from. And this, again, does not count the cut taken by Amazon and the time and hassle of shipping the games, responding to customers, and dealing with possible returns.

This is obviously a better deal overall. You may be able to work towards more money over time. Would you rather avoid the hassle and trade in, or do you count your pennies and sell the games yourself? They are, in order from most to least popular, Grand Theft Auto V, Call of Duty: Ghosts Are Gamers Sick Of The Call Of Duty Series? Customers are paid in the form of Amazon Gift Cards. Admittedly, I was trying OLD games.

To find out I looked up the current lowest used price for each game on Amazon. Oh, and the above ignores bundles from places like humblebundle. With PONTEFY you can trade in with nearby users at your own terms through anonymous chat and location enabled services, barcode scan etc. They stock a ton of titles and offer some pretty good values at certain times. The independent game store is a wild card in this equation. The practice of trading in games is so common that is impacts how consoles are developed. Using trades to feed the gaming habit more cheaply is great, and why not use the most convenient sources. Very cool app, must check out.

So, remember that a convenient discount on your next game is the objective, not profit! However, this takes a commitment to customer service. Sat on the phone for 2 hours to fix the problem with the main office. Yes I am using all of the requirements. Login, can never get beyond that. PowerUp Rewards member, the GameStop app enables you to access and track membership benefits; such as your membership points balance, offers, discounts, and redeem those points for rewards. The search bar is super annoying too. Please fix it, If possible. Other then these problems, I find the app useful.

Seems to coincide with upgrading to the new Elite Pro Rewards. That is the reason that I took off 3 stars. So it wont let me sign in? UI has certainly improved from when I used it last. How about an option to select all instead of doing each one individually? And another thing, my saved trades are having trouble loading up, issues as well. App continues to push promotions even though the option has been turned off in the settings. It wont let me log in. See something you like? It keeps giving me a error code saying GameStop wont allow.

Is this part of the login glitch other users have mentioned? Notification settings do not work. GameStop website but there seems to be some sort of login issue after app updates. The GameStop team is pleased to introduce Trade Center. Or complete your purchase online, and have the products shipped. The GameStop app makes it easier than ever to rapidly find information about our stores, including nearby locations, opening hours, phone numbers, and driving directions. The GameStop app now presents members with an improved digital locker that provides access to the DLC codes purchased in stores. GameStop stores to score PowerUp Rewards Points even faster. You can quickly check local store inventory and request to hold an item for pick up. Once I get the password correct it has no error message, just simply nothing happens.

This app is horrible. Tried on the site and it just gives me a message saying this action cannot be complete or something. GameStop buys your games, electronics, and more for cash or credit. ANY password reset email to finally come. Every time, I hit the button and nothing. Get informed on current Trade In Prices area. Fix this and I will give 5 starts, PLEASE! Best Buy full price bought me simplicity. Seems that lately I am having the same issue with being unable to log in. HATE HOLDING MY DEVICE UPRIGHT!

As Wells Fargo rather spectacularly demonstrated in recent months, putting too much pressure on employees to notch up a certain kind of sale can lead to a perverse incentive: Employees who need to keep their jobs may try increasingly underhanded things just to meet an impossible metric. GameStop employee told Kotaku. This week, a report suggests that the latest set of employees who might be lying through their face to you just to keep their jobs are the ones selling video games. Billion of trade credits to our customers last year. GameStop puts its employees under benefits the corporation. All of the percentages are balanced into a quota for both the store and the individual employee. So GameStop employees have always been encouraged to push used titles where they can, and to talk shoppers into trading in and selling used games at every moment. It looks like portions of our site are being blocked! That means companies that sell blockbuster video games make the bulk of their money elsewhere.

GameStop, a report from Kotaku claims. COO Tony Bartel writes. ID with you, as each of the stores require that one be presented alongside your trades. PS4s would sell out immediately. Trades are placed on a brand new gift card. South Austin during the weekend.

Xbox One and PS4 have, but it does have Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. The key to getting the best overall experience is to shop around and find out which shop can meet your needs the best, while keeping your eyes open for promotions at the other stores. Remember that time you walked into a big chain store with a shopping bag full of games, thinking you were going to cash out big time, only to leave with a gift card housing barely enough credit to grab even one new game? Have you had a vastly different experience from the ones I had? Bottom Line: Obviously, the results found in this section are far from scientific. Metroid and Earthbound that you can download right to your system. All I had to do was sell myself as knowing absolutely nothing about video games and then see how much leading I had to do to get them to give an acceptable answer. N64 and Genesis games elsewhere, as none of these major chains will accept retro titles.

These results were retrieved from two separate employees within the stores in the Austin, TX area, meaning that each experience will be different. The Xbox One has too many bells and whistles for me. According to the representatives of many of the stores, this is due to the values being based on supply and demand, along with staying competitive with the other retailers in this space. Note: These values were retrieved in late March, 2014. Where do you choose to trade your games? Do you go with any of the industry giants or do you stick with a local favorite? The following conversations took place on two separate visits to each chain. Give us your recommendations and share your stories in the comments. February 2014, which show an inconsistent amount of fluctuation.

We could talk about the overall experience offered by each chain, but what it all comes down to is how much these companies are willing to shell out for your unwanted games, right? One visit was on a Saturday morning, while the other was on a Wednesday evening in order to get a diverse set of employees. But what about the rules and regulations? So in an attempt to see who was the most efficient, I timed each of the experiences I had in trading in an equal number of games to each company. It is also diversifying its business model and selling downloads itself. Customers sell old merchandise back to GameStop for store credit. New gaming consoles from Microsoft Corp. Many are betting on additional declines as shown by elevated levels of short interest. GameStop has profited most in recent years from reselling used games.

People are increasingly downloading games directly to their consoles and computers as opposed to purchasing physical copies in stores. GameStop is doing everything it can to woo customers to its locations, including steep discounting and a successful resale business. Apple products and other items. The company profits by reselling these used games for higher prices, earning better margins than for new games or hardware. The videogame chain is suffering from an accelerated version of the phenomenon facing other brick and mortar stores: online competition. Short sellers finally have been vindicated, with the stock losing half its value over the past year and a half. GameStop has diversified beyond its legacy videogame business. The stock for years has been a popular one to bet against, but pessimism was initially premature. Write to Steven Russolillo at steven.

The clock is ticking at GameStop.

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